Terrains de basket SPU

Chine, Ville de Shanghai, Shanghai - voir l'emplacement exact

Information sur le produit

Volume de commande de: Sur demande

Conditions de livraison: Ramasser

Informations de base

Introducing our Silicone PU (SPU/SiPU) Basketball court flooring system. This high-quality flooring system is designed for indoor and outdoor basketball courts, providing durability, shock absorption, and a smooth playing surface.

Consisting of multiple layers, our basketball court flooring system includes a subbase made of concrete or AC Asphalt for a strong foundation. The primer layer is applied to ensure proper adhesion and enhance the longevity of the flooring.

The cushion layer, available in various thickness options of 2, 3, 4 or 5 kilograms, provides excellent shock absorption, reducing the risk of injuries during intense gameplay.

Topped off with the top coat layer applied twice, our basketball court flooring system offers a seamless, glossy finish that is not only visually appealing but also resistant to wear and tear.

To complete the court, our system includes line marking functionality, ensuring clear and precise court lines for easy gameplay.

For optimal results, it is recommended to store the product in a cool, ventilated, and dry warehouse, away from any fire or heat sources. It should be strictly waterproof, moisture-proof, and shielded from direct sunlight to preserve its quality.

With a shelf life of 12 months from the date of manufacture, our basketball court flooring system can still be utilized if stored beyond the recommended period, as long as it passes the required test. Experience superior performance and longevity with our Silicone PU (SPU/SiPU) Basketball court flooring system.