Une nouvelle boutique dropshipping, dans un créneau recherché

Ukraine, Région de Rovenskaya, Rivne - voir l'emplacement exact

L'information financière

Période de récupération: Sur demande

Revenu brut: Sur demande

Profit: Sur demande

Flux de trésorerie: Sur demande

Informations d'affaires

Forme de propriété: Propriété privée

Statut de l'entreprise: Activité d'exploitation

Conditions d'aliénation: Vente simple

Nombre d'employés: Sur demande

Période de vie: Sur demande


Concept: Interesting tools for basic areas of health

Website: https://******.***

Current status: The online store is ready, connect the payment gateway and start ads

Problem & Solution: Health is a basic area of ​​life, a person can find many things to improve. Synthesis of a niche in a unique perspective, trendy, multifaceted products

Market: English-speaking audience, lovers of new products

Cost Structure:
- Shopify plan = $32/mo
- domain = $12/yr
- payment gateway commission = 2-3%
~ company registration = $400
~ advertisement
~ Shopify Assistant
Average margin = $25

Sales Channels:
- SEO-optimized store
- small organic traffic from the page: https://******.***
- Youtube channel with materials for organic traffic attraction:
- the type of goods is suitable for media, targeted ads

Reason for sale: Lack of skills and start-up capital to hire an advertiser or self-promotion

After-sales support: I will help you reintegrate the business and share my available resources as needed

Organizational form: Not registered

Number of employees: 0

Competitors: Dropshippers from the same supplier

Expansion potential: launch ads for new products and geo

- wide niche, potential for growth - many products can be tested
- a unique niche
- good design
- dropshipping platform: Cjdropshiping has a significant range and positive reviews
- site builder: Shopify
- included: domain, design elements
Bonus table: "Comparison of promising 44 English-speaking countries for online advertising" https://******.***

Risks: Poor marketing and pricing policy, underoptimization of product pages

300 USD
yuri lazarishin Membre depuis le novembre 2022 En ligne 10 juin 2024