Tropfflaschen aus Braunglas

Polen, Woiwodschaft Masowien, Warschau - siehe genauen Standort


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VCBS Sp.z o.o. is a reputable company specializing in the manufacturing of high-quality perfume bottles, caps, and sprayers. Founded in 2020 as a spin-off from the Venus company established in 2002, we have extensive experience in the industry. We cater to a diverse range of clients, including perfume and medicine manufacturers.One of our key advantages is our extensive warehouse stocks, which allow us to ensure prompt deliveries of ordered products. We encourage perfume manufacturers to reach out to us to establish fruitful collaborations. With nearly two decades of presence in the perfume market, we possess the expertise and production capacity to meet the highest standards set by our customers.In addition to perfume packaging, we have a state-of-the-art perfume production plant where our team of experts creates bespoke perfume brands. Our clients range from clothing manufacturers to perfumeries and even car dealerships. With a large production capacity, fast delivery rate, and flexible minimum order quantity, we minimize investment risks for our customers.Beginning in 2023, we also have introduced our own line for the production of scented candles, expanding our offerings to cater to a wider range of industries.Please do not hesitate to contact us to explore the possibilities of working together. Find more information on our website: [Website URL].