ABS-Lock X-SR-HD" would remain the same in German. It is a product name and typically remains in its original language when used internationally.

Deutschland, Berlin Land, Berlin - siehe genauen Standort


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Lieferbedingungen: Aufsammeln


Reinasan offers a cutting-edge system that addresses the industry's need for optimized hygiene and health, while also being environmentally friendly. Our developed system provides maximum protection and requires minimal maintenance, ensuring a longer lifespan for our products. With our 24/7 hygiene protection, we offer a unique solution that extends the life of products and promotes safety in various industries.

By using our water-based products, you can enjoy the benefits of a 24/7 active surface protection that is completely natural. This ensures a long-lasting effect, which not only improves hygiene but also guarantees the health and safety of your environment. It's important to note that our products are not disinfectants, making them safe for both humans, animals, and the ecosystem.

Our system effectively tackles dangerous bacterial growth and contamination at its source, providing a comprehensive solution to maintain a clean and safe environment. By utilizing our products, you can enjoy safer working conditions, reduced absenteeism, decreased waste, and improved food safety, among other benefits.

We are actively seeking distributors with a well-established B2B network. By partnering with us, you can contribute to creating a greener footprint and promoting sustainable practices together. Join us in revolutionizing the industry with our environmentally friendly and highly effective hygiene solutions.

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ABS SAFETY GMBH Mitglied seit Dezember 2023 Online 2 Dezember 2023 Alle Ankündigungen ansehen(10)