Hybrider Senderkombinierer

Ukraine, Kiew Oblast, Kiew - siehe genauen Standort


Auftragsvolumen ab: Auf Anfrage

Lieferbedingungen: Aufsammeln


Our product description focuses on the process of obtaining measurement certification in the industry. Here are the steps:

1. Prepare the necessary application materials, including a quality manual and procedure documents.
2. Submit the application materials to either the provincial or national metrology certification office.
3. The certification office will conduct a thorough written review of the application materials.
4. If the written review is passed, the certification office will arrange for a technical review team to visit the site and conduct an on-site verification review.
5. After the on-site assessment, the testing institutions that meet the guidelines will be granted the metrological certification certificate and the seal of the metrological certification agency.
6. The provincial or national quality and technical supervision bureau will publish the list of certified institutions on the Internet.

Please note that these steps are specific to the process of obtaining measurement certification in the industry.

Preis auf Anfrage
HORWIN Mitglied seit November 2023 Online 6 November 2023 Alle Ankündigungen ansehen(9)