Cotton translated to German is "Baumwolle".

Polen, Woiwodschaft Masowien, Warschau - siehe genauen Standort


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Introducing our swaddle wraps, the perfect solution to provide comfort and warmth for newborns in their early days. Designed to help infants adjust to new surroundings, these baby sleeping bags create a secure and cozy environment. The benefits are plentiful as a swaddled baby sleeps better, settles faster, and most importantly, stays warm. Our swaddle wraps prove invaluable during feeding, carrying, and soothing routines.

It's essential to remember that babies were tightly wrapped and nestled in a temperature of 36.6 degrees Celsius within their mother's womb. Consequently, they naturally seek the feeling of being wrapped up—it serves as a familiar substitute for their previous nine months of existence.

While ideal for infants in their first months, these swaddle wraps can also be used as blankets, making them versatile for various situations, including in a trolley. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail and utilizing high-quality materials, our swaddle wraps are incredibly durable. The Velcro fastener ensures effortless usability, guaranteeing a snug fit.

Choose from our selection of three swaddle blankets, each designed to cater to different needs. We offer the cozy and soft Minky and cotton swaddle blanket, as well as the swaddle blanket with a coconut insert for additional comfort. Quality, functionality, and comfort are at the forefront of our products, providing peace of mind for both parents and newborns.

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COLTRE Mitglied seit Oktober 2023 Online 27 Oktober 2023 Alle Ankündigungen ansehen(10)