mushrooms" translates to "Pilze" in German.

Italien, Latium Region, Rome - siehe genauen Standort


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Introducing Dried Cultivated Mushrooms: Unleash the Nutritional Power

Experience the incredible benefits of our Dried Cultivated Mushrooms, the perfect addition to your healthy lifestyle. Derived from fresh cultivated mushrooms, our drying process ensures maximum preservation of vital nutrients, making it a must-have for nutrition-conscious individuals.

Through a meticulous drying process, we achieve an impressive yield of 1 kg of cultivated mushrooms from every 10-15 kg of oyster mushrooms. This reduction in moisture content results in an intensified nutritional profile, with minimal water ratio in the dried product. The essence and goodness of the mushroom's core are expertly preserved, amplifying the vitamin and protein values.

Why Choose Dried Mushrooms?

Indulge in the wealth of minerals, fibers, and vitamins packed within our Dried Mushrooms. Experience the antioxidant-rich goodness that can benefit your health in numerous ways. With its low calorie and fat content, our product becomes an ideal companion in your weight management journey.

What sets our Dried Mushrooms apart is its high beta-glucan content, which not only enhances the feeling of satiety but also promotes a balanced cholesterol level in the blood.

Unleash the true power of Dried Cultivated Mushrooms and redefine your well-being. Incorporate this nutritious powerhouse into your meals today!