
Österreich, Wiener Staat, Wien - siehe genauen Standort


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The Eterica rose, grown in the environmentally friendly region of Karlovo, embodies the perfect blend of beauty, aroma, and sustainability. These exquisite dry pink flowers and buds add a touch of elegance and fragrance to any space, creating a harmonious and pleasurable environment. Not only do they serve as stunning decorations, but they also emit a delightful aroma that enhances the overall ambiance and cosiness of the surroundings.

Furthermore, Eterica roses are highly versatile and find extensive use in the cosmetic industry. Infused in various forms such as tonics, lotions, and steam baths, they have refreshing, soothing, and cleansing properties for the skin. Whether it's to revitalize and rejuvenate the skin or to provide a calming effect, these rose infusions can be incorporated into ready-made cosmetics, massage oils, or even added to bathwater. Additionally, they can be utilized as sachets, delicately placed in pillows, emanating a gentle aroma that soothes and relaxes.

Experience the beauty and benefits of the Eterica rose, as it enriches your surroundings and nourishes your skin with its natural and luxurious properties.

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