
ألمانيا, أرض برلين, برلين - انظر الموقع الدقيق

معلومات المنتج

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شروط التوصيل: يلتقط

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Introducing the cutting-edge X2000NC, a modular tool set designed specifically for the production of door strikers in the automotive industry. This incredible system is capable of manufacturing door strikers from 8 mm wire with impressive speed and precision.Equipped with a striker sprinter tool and three stations, the X2000NC boasts a 2-meter back wall and features NC roller infeed for coil material feeding. With a cycle output of approximately 60 pcs per minute, this system is ready-to-use and weighs approximately 10 tons.The X2000NC is the fastest system of its kind in the world, making it the ideal choice for door striker production in the automotive industry. Its versatile design allows for tool changes, enabling different striker shapes to be achieved. Additionally, it can process details such as upsetting or tapering at wire ends, giving you unmatched flexibility and customization options.We take pride in the unique capabilities of our production model, which allows for cycle times of more than 60 pcs per minute. To maintain the integrity of our proprietary technology, we prefer not to share the technical details online. If you're interested in learning more about our innovative strategy, we invite you to arrange a meeting with a member of our field sales team.In addition to the X2000NC, we also specialize in building assembly systems for coupling door strikers to striker plates. Trust us to provide comprehensive solutions for all your door striker production needs.