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ألمانيا, أرض بافاريا, ميونيخ - انظر الموقع الدقيق

معلومات المنتج

حجم الطلب من: تحت الطلب

شروط التوصيل: يلتقط

معلومات اساسية

ViscoTec Pumpen- u. Dosiertechnik GmbH manufactures systems required for conveying, dosing, applying, filling, and emptying medium to high-viscosity fluids. The company is headquartered in Töging a. Inn, Bavaria and has subsidiaries in the USA, China, Singapore, India, France, and Hong Kong. With a global workforce of approximately 300 employees and a network of sales partners worldwide, ViscoTec offers technically sophisticated solutions for a wide range of industries.

In addition to providing complete systems for fluid handling, ViscoTec also offers comprehensive consulting services and conducts extensive tests in collaboration with customers. The dosing pumps and systems are specially designed to meet the specific requirements of various industries, including food, e-mobility, aerospace, medical technology, pharmaceuticals, electronics manufacturing, and many others. These pumps can handle fluids with viscosities of up to 7,000,000 mPas, delivering almost pulsation-free and low-shear dosing.

For more information about ViscoTec and its products, visit their website at [websiteUrl].

السعر عند الطلب
OPTIMA PHARMA GMBH انضم لأجودا منذ ديسمبر 2023 متصل 24 ديسمبر 2023 مشاهدة جميع الإعلانات(8)