مفصل وفاصل الأتربة والجسيمات

ديك رومي, منطقة مرمرة, اسطنبول - انظر الموقع الدقيق

معلومات المنتج

حجم الطلب من: تحت الطلب

شروط التوصيل: يلتقط

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The product description:

Introducing our powerful MA series, designed to meet the highest industry standards. These units provide exhaust-free hot air, ensuring a clean and healthy environment. What sets them apart is their versatility - they can operate efficiently with both oil and gas. This adaptability makes them suitable for a wide range of applications across various industries.

Thanks to the high-performance radial fans, our MA series can seamlessly connect to hot air hose systems, allowing for effective external heating. This feature eliminates any obstacles when it comes to heating your space efficiently.

Furthermore, our units are equipped with a recirculation module that guarantees efficient and economical operation, maximizing energy usage. The oil burner blowers, manufactured by renowned suppliers, are made from high-quality materials to ensure their durability and reliability. Remarkably, these blowers achieve an impressive 93% energy-to-heat conversion rate.

In summary, our MA series offers exhaust-free hot air, flexibility in fuel usage, compatibility with hot air hose systems, efficient energy conversion, and high-quality components. These features make our units a reliable and versatile choice for various industries seeking effective heating solutions.

السعر عند الطلب
VIRA ISI انضم لأجودا منذ ديسمبر 2023 متصل 3 ديسمبر 2023 مشاهدة جميع الإعلانات(3)