
ألمانيا, أرض برلين, برلين - انظر الموقع الدقيق

معلومات المنتج

حجم الطلب من: تحت الطلب

شروط التوصيل: يلتقط

معلومات اساسية

Product Description:

This product is a brass material that serves as a basic component for electrical components and installation parts within the electrical industry. It is specifically designed to reduce metall costs through its proportionate zinc content.

Brass is known for its medium electric conductivity, making it suitable for various applications in the electrical field. It is widely used by manufacturers and producers, including KMD Connectors Stolberg GmbH, a reputable company based in Stolberg, Germany. For further inquiries or to make a purchase, please feel free to contact us via email.

السعر عند الطلب
KMD CONNECTORS STOLBERG GMBH انضم لأجودا منذ اكتوبر 2023 متصل 27 اكتوبر 2023 مشاهدة جميع الإعلانات(10)